How to Get a Girlfriend at School: 13 Incredibly Smart Ways to Do It

How to Get a Girlfriend at School: Be Bold and You Will Get a Beautiful Girl for a Relationship


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How can you get a girlfriend if you are in senior high school, or you have moved to a new school and are thinking of having a relationship with some of the girls there?

I want to share with you how you can get a girlfriend at school.

So, how do you get a girlfriend at school?

1.     Know What You Want

If you want to get a girlfriend at school, you must first of all sit down and make up your mind as to the kind of girl you want to be your girlfriend. Do you want a decent , religious girl to be your girlfriend? Do you want a girl who loves having fun and partying? Do you want a girl who will be loyal to you always?

You must be clear in your mind as to who you want to go out with. This will prevent you from just taking any girl who comes your way because you are desperate to show you have a girlfriend to your male friends, or because you do not want to be the odd one out in school.

Planning before you make the move helps if you want to get a girlfriend at school.

2.     Seek guidance

There are people in life who have been through what you are going through, and who can give you valuable advice so that you will not make mistakes you will regret later. Some of those people are your elder brothers, your parents, and older relatives.

Talk to some of them about your desire to make a girlfriend  in school. Ask them how you can tell which girl is right girl for you, and how you can approach a girl you are interested in , and what girls expect of a boyfriend. This will guide you to make a wise choice, and it will also give you information which will help your relationship to succeed.

Involving older, more experienced people will also help you later when you are able to get a girlfriend; you can fall on them to help you solve conflicts which will come up in the relationship.

3.     Be Bold

You need to believe in yourself before you can approach to a girl you like or are interested in. This is how to get a girlfriend from school.

Say something like this to yourself: “I am bold. I am confident I can win this girl. The other guys with girlfriends are not better than me in any way. I can also win any girl I want to date.” This will put you in the right frame of mind and make you feel you can win a girl and make her your girlfriend, and it will help you to get a girlfriend easily in school.

Also, banish thoughts of being rejected from your mind. Such negative thoughts will make it difficult for you to approach a girl, even when there are clear sign that she likes you and wants you to come forward. Positive thoughts about yourself will help you to get a girlfriend in high school fast.

4.     Avoid Bad Habits

If you want to get a girlfriend in high school for real, you must stay clear of habits which will give you a bad reputation. Most girls like to be seen going out with guys who are well respected on campus, guys who look decent, and who many people say nice things about. It makes them too feel good about themselves because some of the nice things said about such guys rubs off on them when they date such guys. This is how to get a girlfriend in school.

Generally, girls do not like to date guys who are generally hated on campus.

Therefore, try to be a good guy by avoiding the things that harm many young guys and destroy their reputation, such as drinking, smoking, insulting other people, and being disrespectful. When you do these things and develop a bad reputation, you will be shunned by girls.

5.     Make Friends With Lots of Girls

Some guys narrow their search to just a few girls in their class and do not look beyond the horizon to consider other girls in other classes. This is dangerous because you may have to face stiff competition from other guys in your class who may also be interested in those same girls.

Therefore, broaden your horizon, if you want to get a girlfriend in school. Try to also make friends with other girls in other classes. This will require you to be sociable, and to manage yourself properly so that you can have free time to go to different classes and try to engage in conversations with girls in other classes, or who may be pursuing other courses. This is how to find a girlfriend in school.

You must do this day after day if you want it to succeed. It is possible a few tries may not help you to establish any rapport with a girl. Consistency and perseverance will help you in the long run to establish a friendship with a particular girl who will tickle your fancy, and then you can develop a more stable relationship with her.

6.     Improve Your Academic Performance

Girls like guys who are popular in school because they are doing well academically and everybody is talking about them and admiring them. They also want to be associated with that success and so try to get close to such guys.

Therefore if you want to have a girlfriend in school, spend extra hours to study your notes so that you can improve your academic performance. If you are having problems with any courses, make friends with the guys or girls who are good in those courses, and let them help you. Solve a lot of past questions, become friends with your teachers so that they can help you, and seek the help of your relatives who have also done those same courses before.

A few girls will be attracted by your good academic grades and want to make friends with you. You can take advantage of that to get to know them better, and date the one you think you are attracted to most.

7.     Help Her Learn

If you identify girls you feel attracted to in school who are weak academically, help them to better their grades.

  • Take the initiative and make the approach if you really desire to have a relationship with her.
  • You can say something like, “Yaa, you know what, I know you have been having problems in Mathematics. I want to help you. I have a good understanding of the subject. I don’t know if it is okay with you, but I am prepared to sacrifice a bit of my time to help you. Which topics do you find difficult to master?”
  • This will help you start a conversation with her. You can then schedule a time for her, let’s say two hours on Saturday’s at your place, or at her place.
  • Take advantage of the time you spend with her to get to know more about her, and then when you have established a strong friendship, ask her to go out on a date with you.
  • Do not rush to tell her you want to date her otherwise she will feel you just want to help her because you want to take advantage of her. Let her see you care about her doing well in class first. It will tell her you really care about her, and will make her more willing to go out with you if you ask later.
  • Also spending time with her may even make her develop feelings for you and you never know, she may even ask to become your girlfriend.

8.     Stand for Leadership Positions

Girls like to be associated with guys with power and authority. Therefore, try to assume a leadership position in school which will give you authority and some amount of power, if you want to get a girlfriend at school. For example, when nominations for Class Prefect, or Compound Prefect, or any post comes up for grabs, contest. A lot more girls who do not know you will get to see you and some of them will feel attracted to you, and want to be your friend.

During your campaigns too, you will have to convince girls to vote for you. This will increase your contact with different girls, you will meet girls you may never have met in the school before, and it will open up new romantic possibilities to you because you will see girls you will feel attracted to, and you can make friends with them and date one later.

9.     Respect Girls

Some guys treat girls that come across their way with indignity and yet expect some girl to admire them and date them, or fall in love with them.

If you want to get a girlfriend at school, treat all the girls you meet in school with respect. Be polite to them, see them as human beings also created by the same God who created you, and compliment girls when you come across them on campus. This will give you a reputation among the girls as someone who will be nice to be with, and it will make you more attractive to some of the girls, making it easier for you to be able to approach a girl to propose, or for a girl to approach you for a friendship. This is how to make a girlfriend in school!

10.  Be Neat

Girls like to be neat always, and are attracted to guys who look neat, decent, and appealing because of the way they dress and look.

  • So, make sure your hair and nail s are always in top shape and look attractive.
  • Ensure your clothes look decent and fresh at all times.
  • Make sure you take proper care of your books, and keep them in great condition always. Your exercise books, and your textbooks must always look neat and clean, with no torn pages. Wash your hands before touching them so that you can keep them in a neat and clean condition always. If your books look dirty, it will convey the impression that you are a dirty guy, and most girls will not like to date you.
  • Wash your school bag regularly so that it will speak well of you and tell girls you are a neat guy.

Make it your aim therefore to look neat always if you want to get  a girlfriend at school.

11. Be Yourself

Most girls hate a guy who is a pretender, a guy who tries to imitate someone else, or who always wants to live in the shadow of other people. It makes you look spineless and fake, and tells the girl that you have no confidence in yourself.

Therefore if you want to get a girlfriend at school:

  1. Accept yourself the way you are.
  2. Believe in your abilities and talents.
  3. Think of yourself as being as good as the other guy. It will make you more attractive to girls, and increase your chances of getting a girl to date.

12. Be Humble

One thing girls hate most is a guy who thinks he is better than them. It tends to make them feel you will not respect them when they go out with you, and it will make it hard for you to get a girlfriend if you act this way.

Therefore, try to be humble, focused, and level-headed always, if your desire is to get a girlfriend at school. Be the kind of guy who accepts his faults when he does wrong, who sees himself as just another human being like everyone else, and who treats the people around him as people who deserve to be honored.

13. Don’t Be a Womanizer

If you have a reputation for being a guy who makes friends with girls, then use them and dump them without making any commitment, you will make it difficult for any girl to want to be your long-term girlfriend.

Therefore, if you want to get a girlfriend in school, learn to stick to a girl, and to maintain a relationship.

You can learn to have stable relationship by:

  • Understanding that conflicts are part of relationships. The fact that a conflict arises does not mean break up and find another girl.
  • Try to discuss conflicts and find solutions to them.
  • Treat girls the way you want to be treated by them.
  • Make up your mind to stick to a girl, and not to consider other girls.
  • Avoid situations that will make it easy for you to be unfaithful to your girlfriend.


In the process of trying to get a girlfriend at school, when you meet a girl you like, try to approach her the proper way, and you can make her fall in love with you and become your girlfriend. Then your job will be to make her happy. If you are able to do this, you can enjoy your relationship for a very long time.


How did you get your girlfriend? Was it easy or difficult? Tell me about it by leaving a comment. Thank you.

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